Saturday, January 28, 2006

Eric sealing his fate

Eric why do you use "Hispanic BIGOTS." 1/18/2006 10:04:32 AM
Homer has not used the word "Anglo bigots" on the air. Why do you accusing him of something you are responsbile for? The issue of race or "racism" has not been in Homer's vocabulary. I think you have him all wrong. Yet you use it repeatedly when referring to "them." contradcition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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EVWPosts: 347

Re: Eric why do you use ""Hispanic BIGOTS."" 1/18/2006 10:11:52 AM
Listen closely Condot, Markx, Homer and the like, the reason I call Homor a Hispanic Bigot is because that''s what he is. Read a dictionary if you don''t know what a ""bigot"" means but of course you would run the risk of speaking from an educated position and the other Hispanic bigots you admire so much might challenge your ethnicity with terms such as ""sell-out"" or ""coconut"" or some other crap copied from radical black bigots. You and other trash like you are bigots because you blindly and zealously take positions based on skin color or ethnicity not facts, education or merit. You haven''t grown up mentally and you think the most moronic, juvenile antics are the coolest thing ever. You don''t just want to divide white from brown but you can''t stand a conservative Hispanic either. What you really can''t stand is the fact America isn''t Mexico and instead of becoming and loving America you want to make it like Mexico. You and that group of bigots are exactly what holds this country down. You and your ilk of bigots disgust me. You’re no different than the 1950''s Good O''le boys of Mississippi. Does that answer your question? The reson Homer doesn''t use the term is because some else hasn''t explanied it to him. I was temped to say that it''s because the term aplied primarily to Homer and your little click but you guys are know to fabricate or at the very least propagate complete fabrications when ever it serves your purposes so I''m sure we''ll hear the little toad take a shot at it soon.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1781

Re: Re: Eric why do you use ""Hispanic BIGOTS."" 1/18/2006 10:24:30 AM
Open, honest, and factual Eric. I am sure we will be hearing from the Dependzor unified cheerleading squad soon. They will have the same song and dance routine they have already displayed, kneepads at the read to genuflect at the order to their comandante el magnifico. Hardcore Harry
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1781

Re: Re: Re: Eric why do you use ""Hispanic BIGOTS."" 1/18/2006 10:29:33 AM
Dhould read ""kneepads at the ready..."" I intentionally left out the ""y"" so I could use ""kneepads"" in another insult at the Crayola Commandos from El Dependzor. Yeah! That''s the ticket! Hardcore Harry
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1781

Re: Re: Re: Re: Eric why do you use ""Hispanic BIGOTS."" 1/18/2006 10:30:53 AM
Heh I need more coffee this morning! Hardcore Harry
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

Keep it up . . . 1/18/2006 10:36:14 AM
. . . and you will be like ole Anton! Ole Homer has been much more subdued lately. I don''t think he got the Mexican uprising he was lookin'' for.
condotPosts: 104
Eric you''ve called Homer: ""racist, bigot, homo, unAmerican, etc"" 1/18/2006 1:06:49 PM
You are against everything you are standing for. In your latest post, why the disrespect for Homer by refering to him now as ""Homo(r)""? You need to return to level you were before. Why demonise him to the level of animal. I do not blame him if he fires back at you and us all. He has family and friends that read your ""crap"" and he doesn''t have to put up with your stink.
CalPosts: 617
Re: Eric you''ve called Homer: ""racist, bigot, homo, unAmerican, etc"" 1/18/2006 4:34:04 PM
Hey there Alpha Hotel :bugeye: Did you not see his reply about the use of the word ""HOMO""? Eric said it was a typo and that reason is good enough for the rest of us. Time for you to leave and don''t let the door hit you on the way out.
Wild ApePosts: 1919

Cal, don''t confuse condolt with the truth 1/18/2006 4:45:14 PM
I like the Alpha Hotel thing too. Made me laugh.
MarkxPosts: 114
Eric, When has Homer used the words ""Coconut"" and ""traitor""? 1/18/2006 6:38:08 PM
I don''t know where you have come with this stuff from. If you are reading someing into it; that is not fact or logic or reasonably consistent with who and what he is. I''ve listen to every show and even recorded them. Again, never has be used ""coconut"" nor called anyone ""traitor"".... Homer did tell Jenny that she did not have to ""overaccomodate"" a target audience to make her point. She did not have to sell out her family nor where she comes from to please another social stratum. She was merely reminding Jenny, not to forget her roots. The aroma of ""pinto beans"" (my words). If Jenny was Anglo, I would have point out the same thing. Don''t forget your humble beginning. Coconut? traitor? Those are your words Eric, very immature.
MarkxPosts: 114
Eric, have we questioned why you use a hot pink hightlight when u post? 1/18/2006 6:48:36 PM
Does the highlight equate with personal proclivities? Unmanly -It''s absurd to conclude that.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1505

Eric if it is a typo..... 1/18/2006 8:51:08 PM
it is surely in your best interest to edit it? This is not becoming of this website. I notice there was a thread deleted that itstruthtime did the same thing to Eric, I dont blame Eric for being fired up, but becoming indignant will not help. Dont cause yourself more problems. Cool down and approach this thing logically Eric. Once again I thank you for allowing me to stand up for myself in here. I am not on either side as I have interest in each of you and your causes. Condot called me a Yellow Belly Coward as well. He challenged me to a fight at Whataburger in Kingsville. Condot you are making matters worse and making a fool of yourself. I support Homer and Eric and 1440 KEYS.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Eric if it is a typo..... 1/19/2006 8:06:45 AM
You cant support good and evil, cold and hot, right and wrong. Jaime, I have seen you mature and grow in character and intellectualy since you first arrived at this website. Don''t let others pull you down just because they share your ethinicity. Some of histories greatest monsters were great with kids, dogs, and were the life of any party. It didn''t make what they did or stood for any better.
Elwood BluesPosts: 125

Re: Re: Eric if it is a typo..... 1/19/2006 10:24:23 AM
""Don''t let others pull you down just because they share your ethnicity"" Umm..Jaime''s an anglo,Eric.He ""advocates"" for La Causa,South Texas Gnomes,invisible priests and is KFATSO''s bitter enemy (and has a signed 8X10 glossy of Homer hanging proudly in his living room (next to the framed picture of Che Guevara)..but he''s an anglo.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Re: Re: Eric if it is a typo..... 1/19/2006 10:29:38 AM
Now that''s funny, I don''t care who you are! I just don''t believe him. If it''s true then I am at a loss for how he became so utterly misinformed.
Elwood BluesPosts: 125

Re: Re: Re: Re: Eric if it is a typo..... 1/19/2006 10:55:49 AM
""If it''s true then I am at a loss for how he became so utterly misinformed."" LOLOL...have you read many of his posts? The boy isn''t exactly all there..if you catch my drift. But,''s a fact he''s an anglo.There are several threadsters here that can confirm that.In fact..there are a few of us here who know his real name..(and it doesn''t end in a ""z"" or a vowel) Ask him yourself...he''ll tell you.He''s Homer''s token gringo.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1505

All I am saying Eric...... 1/19/2006 4:18:52 PM
is if it is a TYPO then it is in YOUR best interest to edit it. If that is WATT you meant then fine leave it be. I am anglo, my wife is Latina. This is not about skin color it is about the haves and the have nots. Elite v the little people. I fight with the little people as I am a little person myself. Who is Homer to me and I to Homer? This fight originated in Kingsville and has nothing to do with El Defenzor. I came to EL Defenzor after I found the message board while researching the net in the Advocacy of my family. El Defenzor became my medium to publicize the events that occurred. Then came a time when I became mal-alligned with El Defenzor and the Nueces County Medical Examiner. I found Eric''s message board as I was banned fro El Defenzor. Eric supported my right to free speech. Eric, I will always be grateful for your support during that time. I cannot see myself in the middle of this squabble. Elwood you are just JEALOUS. My words are being confirmed verified and bona-fide everyday by many at much higher levels. I dont need to keep on fighting as I have already established these postulates. WATT happened to ignoring ME? Your word is worthless. But then again, if you ignore ME then that would make you ignorant..... right?
EVWPosts: 347

Homer: ""racist, bigot, homo, unAmerican, etc"" and It''s All True! 1/19/2006 7:58:42 AM
It''s called reality Mr. Condot. My family and friends read the crap Homer and his rag of a newspaper puts out. I''ve been putting up with the offensive lies and racial accusations of people like you and Mr. Homer for years while you hide under the slimy rock of anonymity. I sign my name to every statement I make and have done for over 11 years. It''s time those of you who live on racial friction do the same. When Homer Villarreal refuses to say he pledges allegiance to the United States of America and instead calls the Hispanic woman who does a ""sell-out"" that is by definition, un-American. Homer is against everything I stand for as an illegitimate race baiting bigot. I guess you would like it if I have the head of the Klu Klux Klan on my show every Tuesday? If the truth hurts Homer and you and others so much, maybe you should do something about who you are instead of getting angry at me for calling you on it. As far as my stink Condot, what are you going to do about it? If the rest of the coastal bend has had to endure the mentally retarded such as you, Markx and Homer making completely false claims in Homer''s publication rag then he''ll take alot more from me before it''s over and that goes for you too tough guy. Homer better not find himself in the radio station when I''m there or he''s going to be even more embarrased. At 9:01 AM Homer better be laying rubber.
condotPosts: 104
Eric, u says: Homer ""copied from racial black bigots""? 1/18/2006 6:56:00 PM
Whose name are you implying? Jones. Be a man and say it.
condotPosts: 104
Eric, not Hispanic bigots, but only ""Black"" ones? 1/18/2006 6:57:56 PM
It time you tell me to my face the truth.... yellow-belly coward.
MarkxPosts: 114
Re: Eric, not Hispanic bigots, but only ""Black"" ones? 1/18/2006 7:14:12 PM
Eric Von Wade you write above referrring to Homer and I (I personally have never posted on his board): ""You and other trash like you are bigots because you blindly and zealously take positions based on skin color or ethnicity not facts, education or merit."" How do your remarks reflect ""facts"" or ""education"" or ""merit."" A bit hypocrically you are, perhaps?
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Re: Eric, not Hispanic bigots, but only ""Black"" ones? 1/19/2006 8:28:55 AM
Feel that sting, its called truth. You thought it was so funny when a bunch of people you work with called Jenny Trejo a Sell Out because she said she pledges allegiance to the United States of America. Those slackers followed Homer''s exact example. People like that are an enemy of the United States and therefore my enemy.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1781

Calling Eric a yellow bellied coward... 1/18/2006 7:36:09 PM
is not liable to win you many style points here on this forum. It did not work when you tried it on me and I highly doubt it will work on Eric. However, do not be surprised if you find yourself on the outside looking in if you keep this up Condot. Like the Captain said, if you use words like ""coward"" and ""yellowbellied"" here on a message board, what do you have left in the tank for real offenses?? Just be glad we are not living in the age when such words would have you answer those accusations on a real field of honor. What would you know about honor anyway? You are too busy giving Homer the Hoover treatment to know jack shit about honor, Condot. You just might be the first person booted off El Depndzor and the Eric Von Wade boards. You already have the honor of the former, it remains to be seen what happens with the latter. If you have trouble understanding what I just told you, try reading a fookin book once in a while! Hardcore Harry
condotPosts: 104
Re: Calling Eric a yellow bellied coward... 1/18/2006 8:05:21 PM
I feel that drum beat. It calls me to action. It brings me to this website and to put out words that come from my heart. I cannot stand the politics of the day. I see both parties pandering to special interests and not to the voters. I have very little respect for the politicians of our day. Read Wild Ape''s message to homer on : Wild Ape: ""I feel that drum beat. It calls me to action. It brings me to this website and to put out words that come from my heart. ...I cannot stand the politics of the day. I see both parties pandering to special interests and not to the voters. I have very little respect for the politicians of our day. Trouble is Homer that someone has to take up the banner. If you are willing to be silenced then someone from the KKK will be happy to take your place and get his message across. I think we''ve all had enough of that."" Do you take those words back ""Wild Ape"" ??? I don''t take back mine either. It is not right what is being done to him by Eric.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1781

Re: Re: Calling Eric a yellow bellied coward... 1/18/2006 8:28:35 PM
Gonna have to buy Ape a round! If he got those pecock feathers of yours ruffled that much he must be doing something right! Hardcore Harry
condotPosts: 104
What Eric is doing to Homer is down right low, gutter level 1/18/2006 8:34:43 PM
""Merit, Education"" - how is Eric accomplishes such things?
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

Homer''s stock in trade . . . 1/18/2006 8:44:11 PM
. . . is whining about being a poor Mexican. He tries to hang most of the blame on the evil gringo because they stole Texas from the Mexicans. Well, I see a lot of houses on Ocean Drive owned by Mexicans who succeeded dispite the gringos. When he sees someone like Jenni he has to brand them viendida to mask his own inadequacy.
skwardupntruPosts: 1482

To Continue in English.... 1/18/2006 8:55:57 PM
Press two Hmmmmm Sounds a might familiar :bugeye:

condotPosts: 104
Homer has never called her ""vendida"" 1/18/2006 8:56:49 PM
Vendida means ""you have already sold out"" in Spanish. ""No te vendas"" means ""Don''t sell out or overaccomodate who you are to others in order to fit in."" Semantics? Two differnt things. Apples (mansanas) and Oranges (naranjas). If I remember my Spanish correctly from High School.
condotPosts: 104
Jenni lives on ""Ocean Drive"", Curmy please... She''s unemployed and on 1/18/2006 9:00:21 PM
humble means.
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

Did I say . . . 1/18/2006 9:05:17 PM
. . . Jenni lived on Ocean Drive? Are there any Mexicans living on Ocean Drive. Actually, I think Homer actually said she was a sell out.
condotPosts: 104
Why would Homer envy her? He has 2 masters and plays some mean guitar? 1/18/2006 9:13:31 PM
Homer never said she was a ""sell out."" Never, Curmy. He said don''t overaccomodate your principals and ""don''t sell out who you are."" He did not say, ""You are a sell out!"" Never. ""Don''t sell out who you are,"" is far from calling someone a ""vendida"" (sold and bought).
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1505

WATTS happened to Jenny.... 1/18/2006 9:22:59 PM
where did she go? Did somebody censor her? Does her Saturday show have something to do with her not writing in this room? I can only speculate as to the reason as Homer is not writing in here either. Obviously this is Eric''s board and he can write whenever. Also, where is Bob? He does write in here. Are they being censored?
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

George W. Bush . . . 1/18/2006 9:35:45 PM
. . . doesn''t post on here either. Doya figure he is being censored.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1505

Bob and Jenny both have..... 1/18/2006 9:41:36 PM
registered screen names here and have posted valid points of view pertaining to KEYS radio. Dubya, well..... he is your coffee mate. Maybe you need to consult with Caro;e Strayhorns son about that?
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1505

Bob and Jenny both have..... 1/18/2006 9:41:54 PM
registered screen names here and have posted valid points of view pertaining to KEYS radio. Dubya, well..... he is your coffee mate. Maybe you need to consult with Caro;e Strayhorns son about that?
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

I''m havin'' a seance at the moment . . . 1/18/2006 10:10:45 PM
. . . I could ask Jimmy Hoffa if you like.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1505

Ask Catherine D''Unger..... 1/18/2006 10:19:22 PM
She is the investigator who died (under mysterious circumstances) while working for our Nueces County Medical Examiner. Still under investigation.
MarkxPosts: 114
Maybe Homer should not bring a guitar anymore, Eric goes puff 1/19/2006 1:55:27 AM
Eric said there was nothing good in Robstown. Homer guitar playing showed its richness and priceless capital. The only question I said is why did homer skipped that little part in the spar spangled banner?
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Why would Homer envy her? He has 2 masters and plays some mean guitar? 1/19/2006 9:26:16 AM
I heard Homer call Jenni a Sell-out more than once and you either missed it or are lying. Being a friend of Homer''s, I suspect the latter.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: What Eric is doing to Homer is Long Over Due 1/19/2006 10:36:08 AM
If you live like trash somebody is eventually going to tell you that you stink. If you don''t like it, try taking a bath. (This is a metaphor for your character.) Any other questions? Ask the nearest adult.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: What Eric is doing to Homer is Long Over Due 1/19/2006 10:38:11 AM
If you live like trash somebody is eventually going to tell you that you stink. If you don''t like it, try taking a bath. (This is a metaphor for your character.) Any other questions? Ask the nearest adult.
Wild ApePosts: 1919

Why are you crying? 1/19/2006 8:11:22 AM
What is to take back? I haven''t suddenly gained respect for politicians. I AM sticking up for hispanics moron. Why would I stop? I think Homer has changed his opinion on Atzlan and maybe can be turned on illegal immigration as well. If you think Eric speaks for the KKK then you are about as big an idiot as everyone on this forum (except Markx) thinks you are. I think what troubles you is that I haven''t pitched in with the crowd that wants to separate from America and shoot all the whitemen. My allegiance is still with America, not Mexico. Please by all means hold your breath and starve yourself until I switch over. If you are really interested condot then you should just listen to Eric''s show especially on Wednesdays. Eric is not a bigot. Homer has painted himself with his magazine and website. I think he is still forming who and what he is. If Eric ever said something bigoted I''d call him on it. If he began a racist show I wouldn''t tune in and I would no longer post here. Eric''s opinions haven''t changed, but the jury is still out on Homer. My Threadster friends who tune into his site are men whom I have great respect for. My hispanic friends help me understand things I do not get in their culture. Eric, and others may not understand the total meaning of La Raza. Their only exposure maybe that it is an anti-American movement. It is but it is not solely a separatist movement. For many it is just a rally point. Captain Corrales has an idea to make it an internal movement for a positive change. That is ''the Drum'' I listen to. These are sophisticated thoughts condot, probably too complicated for a cultural moron like yourself. Stick with One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and build from there. Taking a post from a site that is totally out of context or place only adds to confusion. Keep the boards separate. My friends over there know whether or not I''m two faced and they haven''t said so, ergo, you are the divisive turd in the punchbowl not me.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Why are you crying? 1/19/2006 9:35:15 AM
The only thing that matters is that this bigoted trash is anti-American, at that point they are due only that which this country affords it''s enemy. Nothing else.
Wild ApePosts: 1919

Re: Re: Why are you crying? 1/19/2006 10:17:30 AM
You''ve had more run ins with Homer Eric. I''m still holding my opinion on Homer but your words do carry weight with me. The Captain seems to think otherwise and has never voiced a racist point of view on this forum or privately. That is why I withhold judgement and check out things out for myself. I''m not questioning your credibility or integrity. This forum is at the place where the teeth of the gears of culture are grinding. The fact is that white men are no longer a majority in Corpus and it is a matter of time before this happens throughout Texas. As these cultures come together there will be a commonality of how they deal with one another. The same thing happened when Martin Luther King touched the hearts of white culture and things changed. Somewhere along the line his message has been lost. The leaders of the day are the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons who instead of looking at the merits of character have looked at the pigmentation and made it a sort of twisted business machine of hate. How can the civil rights movement shift from the I Have a Dream crowd to one that now wants segregation, wants people to be judged by the color of their skin, and who could care less about humanity? This could happen with the hispanic community too. The Captain Corrales crowd will no longer be heard or the Jenni''s will be marginalized. The Atzlan (hispanic KKK Atzlan that is)will be the dominant mindset among hispanics if this isn''t turned and we will be no better off than when the KKK was in power. It will just have an hispanic flavor is all. I''m with you on patriotism and I understand where you vehemence comes from. I want to see Atzlan hijacked into something positive. I want those who condone an open border to be exposed as the exploiters that they are. It is time the lefty-Mexico-first-America-sucks crowd gets a shower of cold reality.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Eric, not Hispanic bigots, but only ""Black"" ones? 1/19/2006 8:12:33 AM
Who''s the one here not using their real name? You can come by the radio station and I think I can solve your problem unless you want to let me have your address?
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Eric, u says: Homer ""copied from racial black bigots""? 1/19/2006 8:10:37 AM
A slightly educated man wouldn''t ask this question but since you did I''ll explain it to you. The ""black biggots"" I refer to started popularizing names like ""coconut"" back in the late ''60s and ''70s. Bigots like Al Sharpton, Luis Farrakhan ect. Carful, you might be learning too much and now your a ""sell out"" ""oreo.""
MarkxPosts: 114
I admire Homer for not running to any of the civil rights organizations 1/19/2006 1:57:50 AM
Eric, Homer does need anyone to stand against you. He can hold his own ground. It is not right what you did ERicu.
Wild ApePosts: 1919

Re: I admire Homer for not running to any of the civil rights organizations 1/19/2006 7:47:16 AM
Go take condot and Homer on a camping trip and get your Broke Back Mountain moment overwith. Pleease. Honestly, this much sucking up to your icon is revolting. Change it up or something, make a sonnet or write a biography and put it in A&E. Quit typing on kneepads.
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

Yeah, I can see it now . . . 1/19/2006 7:55:00 AM
. . . Homer tellin'' LULAC that evil Eric called him a homo and told him to stick his guitar up his hiney. BWAHAHAHA!!! Homer ain''t sayin'' anything because he wants to stay on the radio . . . gringo radio.
CalPosts: 617
Re: Yeah, I can see it now . . . 1/19/2006 9:13:00 AM
Homer ain''t sayin'' anything because he wants to stay on the radio . . . gringo radio. Let Homer team up with Vicente Caranza :D. Those two would be a great pair.But then,Maybe Vicente is smart not to get involved with Homer :bugeye: Vicente has been rather quiet these last few years. ;)
EVWPosts: 347

Re: I admire Homer for not running to any of the civil rights organizations 1/19/2006 9:28:42 AM
Did you let your child write the last post? Homer is trash and he can''t hold is own to a fight he won''t show up to. What a sad life when your hero is a looser.
MarkxPosts: 114
Eric, So now u want to ""eliminate?"" the ""unAmerican"" Homer? 1/19/2006 9:46:21 AM
You''re are using ""sick"" logic. To you, Homer is Al Queda, the Taliban, ""an enemy of the united states and must be dealt with accordingly,"" ""He is a monster"" because he loves his children?... Explain to me why Homer needs to be phased out like Al Queda and the Taliban. Don''t you realize Homer owns a flag too, but does not wrap up himself in it.
EVWPosts: 347

Re: Eric, So now u want to ""eliminate?"" the ""unAmerican"" Homer? 1/19/2006 10:01:20 AM
He''s worse than a Terrorist. He plays like an American so he can drive suspicous, hateful wedge between Hispanic and Anglo, dividing America. Just look at the trash you''ll defend on his behalf. Years of outright lies printed as fact in a so-called paper that more often than not has no author''s name attached to the story. I truly pity the lack of natural intelligence those like you exhibit. And by the way, we don''t go to phsyical war with every enemy of the united states. Are you really this stupid or are you just pretending because you think it''s some sort of strategy? If I wanted to ""elimenate"" someone, I''d say so. Your the only one who didn''t get that.
Wild ApePosts: 1919

Sedition 1/19/2006 10:36:20 AM
Anyone who plots to separate America in an insurrection or who approves of such is a traitor. They are just as bad as the Taliban and should be shot. Hitler liked dogs and Aryan children too but he is still a monster. If there is ever an insurrection you count on me killing as many separatists as possible. There is a difference between talking about civil rights and civil war. Apparently Markx, you think they are one and the same. We don''t rewrite history here. I recall Homer saying that Jenny was a sell out. I seem to recall you saying it as well. I''ve seen you distort my posting on another board to paint me up as some sort of kiss ass. Eric calls you out and you don''t have enough spine to do any more than post a lie on his forum. You are the coward. You are the liar. I''ve seen your tactic before. You keep repeating the lie until the opposition quits responding then you herald it as true. This tactic is to discredit new or intermittant posters into thinking that Eric and his supporters are bigots. I have no doubts where your inspiration comes from CONdot and Markx (as in Karl Marx). Your lies have no traction. You give Robstown a bad name. You are the poster boy for why people shouldn''t commit incest.
condotPosts: 104
Eric, why makes u say Homer isTrash, treasoner, Taliban-like, 1/19/2006 11:12:54 AM
You logic is: UnAmerican (like the Taliban) should be dealt accordingly Homer is unAmerican; Thus Homer needs ""is worst than a terrorist"" and should be dealt according. Note: Eric, if your assumption are not true about your premise, then your whole syllogism structure is wrong: it is a foundation of sand. Homer is as ""American as applepie."" He played the Star Spangle Banner as his opening piece with his guitar. How much more American can one be. As far as calling Jenny a ""sell out."" He never did. He said ""don''t sell out who you are"" (principles, roots etc). Eric, I can''t stand here and want you makes or encourage such threats against Homer. He is not ""white"" like us. He is ""American"" in his own way. IT is not up to us to decide how he should celebrate it. Eric, do not encourage attacks against Homer. His family was almost killed last week. I''m sure you heard about. Someone took the bolts off his back tires......... Eric you act of encouraging violence is dangerous..... Take off that flag off your back and come back to reality.
EVWPosts: 347

If the Jack boot fits... 1/19/2006 11:30:36 AM
Homer is a liar, bigot and a phony. I don''t believe someone took the bolts off his wheel. Most likely the thick little man forgot to put them back himself and fabricated the story for attention. If someone did take the bolts off, it''s one of your type that lives, thinks, and operates in this low level base mentality. If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.. You too Condot have shown yourself to be dishonest as months ago you tried to blame the termination of your friend at Spohn Hospital on some of the postings on this website. It was clear your intentions were to intimidate me through fear of involvement in a lawsuit over the termination so that I would block the posts from the one making the incoherent accusations. Your dishonesty didn’t achieve what you wanted then and it certainly won’t now. I know your type and you are not fooling anyone.
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

Homer is more dangerous tha al Qaeda . . . 1/19/2006 11:15:48 AM
. . . at least al Qaeda has the balls to attack us directly. Homer supports the cowardly invasion of the U.S. by Mexico through the back door. They will overthrow the government using the ballot box.
condotPosts: 104
Eric, so now you are saying all that sympatize with Homer be targeted? 1/19/2006 11:16:11 AM
Eric, you have gone too far. Don''t dirty our flag. Eric Hoffer, the great American Patriot said, ""Patriotism can be a refuge for scondrels."" Don''t stain the flag with your twisted concept of what is an ""American.""
jwsPosts: 49
Re: Eric, so now you are saying all that sympatize with Homer be targeted? 1/19/2006 12:49:26 PM
Just where in this post did Eric say he wanted to ""target"" anyone. Man you are REALLY grasping for straws now. ""Don''t dirty our flag""???? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I have NEVER, EVER heard Eric say anything Un-American. And a bigot??? You must be absolutely insane. Either you don''t listen, or are just making up more lies. Which is it condot???
condotPosts: 104
Debating Ernie Jr in one thing; Homer is another 1/20/2006 12:20:04 AM
I''ve seen Homer debate, and at the time I was cheering for the opposition at a university. Homer might make ole Eric starting wearing glasses again. Homer is cool dude. Humble, but at times a true believer.
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

I saw Homer in action, too . . . 1/20/2006 7:39:11 AM
. . . pitiful, just pitiful.
EVWPosts: 347

Condot''s School for the Mentally Challanged 1/20/2006 8:53:24 AM
I have never seen someone so enthralled with someone so absolutely void of any traits worth admiring. There is no way you can actually be for real. Let me know your ethnic background. There might be something to this genetic inferiority concept after all if you really believe what you are saying.
Wild ApePosts: 1919

Re: Condot''s School for the Mentally Challanged 1/20/2006 3:48:05 PM
It is a pity he hasn''t heard of Alfred E Neuman. He may have a a whole new hero to worship.
EVWPosts: 347

Absolutely, I don''t know how I could be anymore clear. 1/20/2006 9:04:34 AM
Condot, don''t try to be an American poet because for one you don''t have the intelligence and second you don''t love America. You love the little segregated brown v. white America which you and other Anti-Americans like Homer Villarreal and Markx dream of becoming Mexico II the dirtier, poorer sequel. How dare you talk to me about the flag you at best only give half your allegiance to!
MarkxPosts: 114
Eric will always be a SECOND BANANA 1/20/2006 7:52:12 PM
If you feel Homer tampered with the bolts of his own tire to kill his family, your banter is your inhumanity. Eric why would you wrap up yourself in a flag. Erif Hoffer in his book THE TRUE BELIEVER said it best. ""The flag is a refuge for scondrels."" There''s an angle here, you thought you would ""axe"" Homer. but he has already ""beaten"" you by default. He turned you into an adrilin junkie.... He is probably laughing away staring at the stars playing his little guitar singing: ""Pink Highlight, lost his fight; Ericana wants to be the number one banana; but in all truth, hardcore Harry, he will always be a SECOND BANANA."" Hehehehehehehehe.
condotPosts: 104
Markx I disagree on ""Second Banana"" 1/20/2006 7:55:26 PM
Eric is just ""dust in the wind"" for Homer.
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

You and Markie seem to show up together . . . 1/20/2006 8:03:22 PM
. . . like Anton and Danny the Demented One. Y''all ain''t fixin'' to have one of them Broke Back Mountain moments, are ya? Do y''all flip to see who is pitchin'' and who is catchin''?
MarkxPosts: 114
pinky highlights? 1/20/2006 8:10:47 PM
put the avocado i say, perhaps esperanza.
MarkxPosts: 114
ERIC, YOU ARE ENVIOUS of HOMER''s rise to fame 1/23/2006 12:31:12 AM
It gonna be okay Eric. Chill. Be loyal to the station.
curmudgeonPosts: 3285

My radio . . . 1/23/2006 8:07:09 AM
. . . has a channel selector. If I want to listen to Mexican radio I know where to find it. In the mean time . . .